‘Jetpack Joyride’ Crosses Over into the World of ‘Metal Slug’ with Limited Time Special Event
Did you know that it’s the NINE year anniversary of Jetpack Joyride" Just a couple of days ago, in fact. This game has been around for a looooonnnnggggg time, and it has received nearly constant updates over all of these years. It pretty much feels like our original review might as well have been for a different game altogether. Such is the world of mobile gaming, I guess. One thing Jetpack Joyride has not been shy about is doing a wacky crossover with another famous IP. In particular I remember what a big deal the Back to the Future crossover was way back in 2015, but there have been plenty of others. Well today they’re doing another biggie and this time it’s with one of my own personal favorite game series ever: SNK’s Metal Slug. Surprisingly, this crossover makes a whole lot of sense. Metal Slug’s cast of characters all have bad ass attitudes along a similar line to Jetpack Joyride’s Barry Steakfries, and the series’ actual title is in reference to the cool vehicles you can temporarily occupy during play, much like the many cool vehicles Barry can hop into during a Jetpack Joyride session. Here’s a trailer showing this incredible synergy in action.
This special crossover event is only for a limited time and will be available to play for the next 3 weeks. While playing the event you are treated to special Metal Slug background environments, enemies, and items. Four famous Metal Slug heroes have made their way int...
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