‘Noa Noa’ Review – Finally, a Nostalgic Virtual Pet Game that Gets It Right - Videogames Blogs

‘Noa Noa’ Review – Finally, a Nostalgic Virtual Pet Game that Gets It Right

I hope I always remember my first Tamagotchi. And my second. But when it comes to mobile games imitating the popular toy, none have felt anywhere near the experience of the original handheld virtual pet, and most have gone forgotten after a few minutes of use… until now. Noa Noa (Free) is here, and not only does it have the charm and surprising depth as Tamagotchis, it adds to it to create a full mobile experience framing my new pixellated friends. It feels like home.
When you begin the game, one of the first things you need to do is pull out the battery tab. Yes, Noa Noa even includes the best part of new electronics, pulling out a little piece of plastic between the battery and battery connectors. It’s slightly fussy and surprisingly bouncy. It is also a sign of the authentic feel to come. Noa Noa is set in an office, although you can change the location skin as you progress through the game. Your virtual pets – yes, you can have more than one at a time! – can be found on the desk. Once zoomed in, it’s a simple swipe to get to the next pet. The casings can be changed via the menus with quite an array of shapes and colors available to be unlocked through gameplay. They are visible as your play with your pets, so I try to match the case (or at least the color) with the personality I believe the pet to have. It’s your choice whether you play with the smaller buttons on the casing, or the larger ones at the bottom of the screen; I prefer th...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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