‘Plants Vs. Zombies 3’ From PopCap Games and EA Is Real and Currently Available In Closed Alpha for Android - Videogames Blogs

‘Plants Vs. Zombies 3’ From PopCap Games and EA Is Real and Currently Available In Closed Alpha for Android

Have you ever had a game you played way too much get a sequel that absolutely disappointed you" Plants vs. Zombies 2: It’s About Time (Free) was exactly that for me. I still have the original Plants vs. Zombies on multiple devices and it is fantastic but the sequel didn’t hold my attention for more than a few hours. I’m not against free to play games at all but I didn’t care for this at all. Seeing EA officially announce that Plants vs. Zombies 3 is in development is something I did not think I would be excited about but here we are.

Plants vs. Zombies 3 is in closed alpha right now and is only available on Google Play for Android as spotted by Android Police. It is rolling out to more users with time and EA and PopCap Games are looking for feedback on the combat aspect only. It is planned to release worldwide eventually. The closed alpha is currently only playable on a Galaxy S7 or higher with Android 6.0 or later. There is no mention of any iOS plans right now for the closed alpha. As you’d expect, Plants vs. Zombies 3 is free to play with microtransactions. They also go on to say that all the content players love in Plants vs. Zombies 2 will still be available. I wouldn’t remain optimistic about support for Plants vs. Zombies 2 when 3 finally launches. Did you like Plants vs. Zombies 2 and what do you want to see in the sequel"
[Source: Android Police]

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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