‘Pocket City’ Review – Building Greatness One Zone At A Time

When it comes to mobile gaming there are generally two camps that games fall into. We have the games that are absolutely great for dipping into when standing in line at the market and then we have the games that take hours from you in a similar vein to some of the very best console or PC games. It?s rare that you find a game that somehow manages to straddle the two camps, but in Pocket City ($4.99) we have a shining example of exactly that. This is a game that you can play in small stints but also settle down with, falling into a world other than your own. Pocket City is responsible for me going to sleep two hours later than I should have this past weekend. It?s that good.
You don?t need to be a gaming fanatic to be familiar with the Sim City franchise and it is absolutely fair to say that Pocket City borrows heavily from those games. In all fairness it?s fairly difficult to create a city building game without it being compared to the game that arguably started it all, and in that regard Pocket City stands up to the comparisons well. Many of the mechanics are possibly a little too familiar for my liking, but others have just enough of a twist to them to keep Pocket City from feeling too much like a homage, or worse, a straight copy of a much loved franchise. I was a huge fan of Sim City 2000 and while subsequent Sim City games left me surprisingly cold, including the mobile versions, Pocket City manages to rekindle the love in a way I did not quite see coming.
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