‘Pokemon Cafe Mix’ from The Pokemon Company Just Got Updated to Add New Stages and Pokemon on iOS and Android - Videogames Blogs

‘Pokemon Cafe Mix’ from The Pokemon Company Just Got Updated to Add New Stages and Pokemon on iOS and Android

Last month, The Pokemon Company aired a Pokemon Presents showcase on YouTube revealing Pokemon Smile and more new titles across Nintendo Switch and mobile platforms including Pokemon Cafe Mix (Free) that is a free to start puzzle game. Pokemon Cafe Mix is is the second Pokemon game to hit mobile and Nintendo Switch after Pokemon Quest. After Pokemon Cafe Mix arrived late last month, it has finally gotten a big update on iOS and Android with version 1.10.1. The update adds new stages, gimmicks, and Pokemon to the fray. The update also balanced some of the earlier stages better with rewards for players who completed them before. Details for this update were revealed yesterday (via Serebii). Watch the trailer for it below:
Your aim in Pokemon Cafe Mix is to solve puzzles to serve drinks and dishes in your own Pokemon Cafe here. The actual puzzles involve matching Pokemon icons together and puzzles have different objectives. It is a free to start game. I enjoyed it for a few minutes but got tired of the gameplay. It does have some lovely art though. If you’re interested in checking it out, you can get Pokemon Cafe Mix on iOS here on the App Store and on Android here on Google Play. If you’d like to get it on Nintendo Switch, download it here on the eShop for free. Check out the official website here. Did you enjoy Pokemon Quest"
[Source: Serebii]

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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