‘Pokemon Smile’ Is a Free App from The Pokemon Company to Make Brushing Teeth Fun and It Is Available Now - Videogames Blogs

‘Pokemon Smile’ Is a Free App from The Pokemon Company to Make Brushing Teeth Fun and It Is Available Now

The Pokemon Company just aired a Pokemon Presents showcase on YouTube revealing multiple new titles across Nintendo Switch and mobile platforms. It began with the reveal of Pokemon Smile for iOS and Android. Pokemon Smile is a free app designed by The Pokemon Company to ensure people have a fun toothbrushing experience. The aim is to motivate children to brush their teeth by saving Pokemon. Brushing defeats bacteria allowing Pokemon to appear in the app. This will help kids complete their Pokedex by regularly brushing to earn Pokemon Caps. It includes reminders and even has custom timer support. Watch the Japanese trailer for it below:
Pokemon Smile also includes awards that can be earned alongside toothbrushing advise to improve children’s skills. Pokemon Smile is available right now worldwide for free. It isn’t free to play or anything. It is just a free app on iOS and Android. If you’re interested in checking it out, you can download Pokemon Smile on iOS here on the App Store and Android here on Google Play. Check out the official website here.

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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