‘Rowdy Wrestling’ Review ? Simple, Crazy Wrestling Fun - Videogames Blogs

‘Rowdy Wrestling’ Review ? Simple, Crazy Wrestling Fun

What do you look for in a simple mobile game" I look for something that I can pick up, toy with for a few minutes while I?m waiting for my coffee and then put away. Something that grabs my attention in an instant, but doesn?t hold on too tight. This week, Rowdy Wrestling (Free) has been just that. It?s been the perfect five-minute time waster when I?m waiting for the bus, sitting on hold on the phone or waiting for someone in the office.
It?s a simple, zany, pick up and play brawler that doesn?t ask too much and doesn?t overstay its welcome. It?s a pixel art fighting game that throws you into a side-scrolling wrestling ring with a bunch of other wrestlers and basically says ?last one in the ring wins – GO!? Oh, and it lets you drop kick a luchador from the top rope, so that?s worth something in my book.
Getting rowdy
Rowdy Wrestling is the epitome of keeping things simple. You have four huge buttons on screen that correspond to your four movements: Left, right, jump and attack. That?s really all you need to succeed. When you press attack your character will swing both arms forward wildly and smack any muscle-bound dudes unlucky enough to be standing in front of you. When their health bar is empty, an attack becomes a huge lift and throw that sends opponents hurtling through the air back and over your head. This is the bread and butter of the game – weaken enemy, throw enemy, repeat.
The characters are all stiff as boards except for their swinging arms and ...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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