‘Sky: Children of the Light’ Is Getting a New “Days of Healing” Event on Monday for a Limited Time - Videogames Blogs

‘Sky: Children of the Light’ Is Getting a New “Days of Healing” Event on Monday for a Limited Time

Sky: Children of the Light (Free) from thatgamecompany was Apple’s iPhone Game of the Year for 2019. Ever since it launched on iOS, Sky: Children of the Light has continued to get updates regularly bringing in new content and various fixes through new seasons and an eventual Android release. Today, thatgamecompany details its upcoming “Days of Healing" event to support the #PlayTogetherApart initiative. A new Healing Pack will be available with 100% of the revenue benefitting Doctors Without Borders.

Beginning May 18th, a Double Heart event will begin and last until May 25th. This will see every Heart of Gift of Light (partial heart) doubled. The Healing Pack includes 75 Regular Candles and a head accessory for $19.99. While the event is on until 25th, this pack will be available for longer. Sky: Children of the Light is now available for free on iOS and Android. Check it out on Android on Google Play here and on iOS on the App Store here. Check out our forum thread for more discussion around the game. We featured it as our Game of the Week when it launched as well. Have you been playing Sky: Children of the Light regularly"
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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