‘Steredenn’ Has Finally Been Updated to 2.0.0 Adding the Huge Binary Stars Content to the Game for Free - Videogames Blogs

‘Steredenn’ Has Finally Been Updated to 2.0.0 Adding the Huge Binary Stars Content to the Game for Free

Over the last two years, I’ve started playing as many shoot ’em ups as I can across multiple platforms. The Switch in particular has been a great platform for the genre and that’s exactly where I first played Steredenn ($3.99). The Switch release had the Binary Stars content when I first played it and it was a ton of fun. Jared has been praising the iOS version for as long as I can remember and I bet he will be pleased when he wakes up today to see the big Binary Stars update live on the App Store. Watch a trailer showcasing what to expect from the update below:

Binary Stars is a free update. It brings 4 playable ships with unique mechanics, a boss rush mode that changes weekly, and new content. This new content includes new weapons, new upgrades, new secret bosses, new environments, and a whole lot more. The update also brings an improved user interface and balance. If you missed Steredenn at launch, we loved it. Read em> our review for it. We also featured it as our Game of the Week.
Sadly, the studio is disbanding. They detailed the reasoning and more in a blog post that also announced the Binary Stars update for iOS. They will still be fixing anything that breaks for the update and keeping the name. Were you waiting on this update before picking it up on iOS or have you already been enjoying the great metal soundtrack in game"

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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