‘Swapland’ is a Clever Puzzle Platformer Coming to iOS in April
One of the things that caught my eye during the holiday and end of the year madness was a cool looking upcoming game from developer Ben Slimane called Swapland. No, not Swampland, SWAPland, and that title gives you a big hint as to what this game is all about. It’s a puzzle platformer where your character Eddie has the ability to swap back and forth between two realities using his special set of goggles. What this means for you as a player is that you’ll need to figure out how to get the little guy from the start of a level to the exit by swapping between the two versions of each of the game’s 31 levels. Each one features different topography and hazards, and by swapping at just the right moments you’ll be able to make a safe path through it all. If that sounds sort of confusing, the teaser for Swapland makes things pretty clear.
You know, I’m calling it right now that high tech goggles are going to be a big fashion thing in 2020. You heard it here first. Swapland seems like a really neat concept and the binary nature of swapping back and forth seems like it will be a good fit for touchscreen controls. The game is shooting for a release in April but if you want to keep up on the progress until then you can check out some more about the game in our forums or by following the developer on Twitter.
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