‘The Elder Scrolls: Blades’ is Officially Out of Early Access with Big Version 1.7 Update - Videogames Blogs

‘The Elder Scrolls: Blades’ is Officially Out of Early Access with Big Version 1.7 Update

It’s hard to believe that it’s been over a year since Bethesda launched their built-for-mobile Elder Scrolls spin-off game The Elder Scrolls: Blades (Free) on the App Store. The lead up to that launch was a bumpy road to say the least. The game was originally a surprise announcement during Bethesda’s E3 showcase in June of 2018, and was planned for launch that following September. As that date approached, Bethesda quietly pushed the date back to December, and then as that date approached, changed the date once again to the more nebulous “early 2019." As the calendar turned to March last year, Bethesda announced that they’d be running a brief closed beta test for Blades and then launching the game in “early access" that spring. Nobody really knew what early access for the game would mean, but before the month was out Blades did indeed launch in the App Store in a limited invite-only fashion.
Not too long after that the invitation restrictions were eased and, like I said in the beginning, The Elder Scrolls: Blades has been out and playable by all for more than a year now. So yeah, you’d kind of forget that it’s technically been in “early access" this entire time if it didn’t remind you of that on the loading screen every time you played. Over the past year Bethesda has been excellent about addressing problems with the game based on player feedback as well as adding all sorts of new content to ...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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