‘Undead Horde’ from 10tons Releases This Thursday on iOS with Discounted Pre-Orders Now Live - Videogames Blogs

‘Undead Horde’ from 10tons Releases This Thursday on iOS with Discounted Pre-Orders Now Live

10tons has brought a ton of great experiences to mobile over the years through the likes of Tesla vs. Lovecraft, JYDGE, Neon Chrome, and more. Undead Horde debuted on PC and consoles and was announced to release on mobile in Fall. Pre-orders for the iOS version just went live on the App Store revealing the release date and a pretty great launch discount. As of now, there’s no word on full Xbox One and PS4 controller support but since it is launching after iOS 13 has been out for a while and with how good 10tons is about controller support, I’m going to be optimistic. Watch the new trailer for the mobile release below:

Undead Horde from 10tons looks like a blend between an action RPG and a strategy game. You play as a necromancer that summons hordes of the undead to fight for you. Since it already released on Nintendo Switch among other consoles, Shaun wrote about the game here on our daily SwitchArcade feature for the Nintendo Switch release. Check out the original teaser for the iOS version below that has some off screen footage:
As with most indie games that I missed on other systems, I look forward to giving Undead Horde a shot when it releases on October 24th for iOS as a premium game. It is currently available for $5.99 on the App Store which will go up to $9.99 in the future. 10tons says this a launch discount and I’m not sure how long it will last. Have you played Undead Horde on Nintendo Switch or any other platform before"

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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