‘Unitied’ Review – A Puzzle Game that’s at Its Best on iOS
iOS and simplistic, quick puzzle games have been a match made in heaven since the launch of the App Store in 2008. Being able to almost mindlessly open an app and begin solving puzzles, at its core, defines what mobile gaming strives to be. The noncommittal attachment to finish just one more challenge to keep people interested, but never making it too obscenely difficult. Starting off as a game available through Steam, Unitied ($0.99) captures that same essence and transports it to iOS seamlessly.
Putting a minimalistic spin on the age old and aptly named “sliding box puzzle," Unitied aims to be as simple as its execution. There?s no steep learning curve, the methods for completing each puzzle are slowly introduced, and the difficulty climb never stops directly at a wall. The game itself and its processes are as simple as can be. This is exactly how game developers for quick and easy puzzle games should build apps for iOS. Unitied has the benefit of already being well received when on PC – but it?s naturally made for iOS.
When tackling a game founded in its own simplistic gameplay and style overall and attempting to bring it into a modern world of mobile gaming, it?s expected that there will be some quirks and tweaks added to give the game new life. With Unitied, it starts off with the basic: get a box from its starting point to an outlined destination by swiping it in the four cardinal directions. Luckily, there?s no stress of completing a puzzle in ...
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