‘Valkyrie Profile Lenneth’ Review – It Shall Be Engraved Upon Your Soul - Videogames Blogs

‘Valkyrie Profile Lenneth’ Review – It Shall Be Engraved Upon Your Soul

I’ve come to really look forward to the couple of times a year that Square Enix dives into its back catalog and pulls out a treasure for mobile audiences. It was great enough when we were getting vintage Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest games, but now that the company is having to dig a little deeper to find suitable candidates, things are really getting interesting. It’s not as though we haven’t seen Valkyrie Profile before, mind you. It’s had a couple of prior releases, and unlike Romancing SaGa 2, this game was localized into English each time. The game was originally released on the PlayStation and got a re-release on PSP, but neither version is readily available anymore. Indeed, this mobile version is the first digital release of the game as far as I know, and for that reason alone it’s quite welcome. The PSP version serves as the basis for the mobile version, similarly titled Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth ($17.99). That remake was done by the prolific shadow developer TOSE, and like many of its ports it had a few issues that kept it from being all it could be. The loading times in particular were widely criticized, something that obviously isn’t an issue in this mobile version. There are other improvements here as well, especially in the sharpness of the visuals. Perhaps the best improvement over the PSP version is the ability to save anywhere, which is a virtual necessity for handheld RPGs as far as I’m concerned. This version also...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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