‘World of Demons’ From PlatinumGames and DeNA Has Soft Launched on the App Store in Philippines - Videogames Blogs

‘World of Demons’ From PlatinumGames and DeNA Has Soft Launched on the App Store in Philippines

PlatinumGames is still most well known for Bayonetta and NieR: Automata. A little while ago, they flew Eli and a few other games writers to Japan to check out their newest project. Unlike their other games that are on consoles, their newest release would be a mobile title with DeNA acting as the publisher. If you missed our hands on, read Eli’s thoughts on it here. From the looks of things, it will be quite the experience on mobile devices when it launches later on. Watch the first gameplay trailer for it below:

I’m a big fan of the visuals on display here. I definitely see some Okami influence and having gotten into PlatinumGames’ catalogue through the fantastic Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and recently playing through Bayonetta, I’m quite excited to check their mobile game out. World of Demons is set to launch worldwide in Summer and you can pre-register for it here. If you don’t want to wait for the official worldwide release, the game soft launched on iOS and is currently available on the Philippines App Store for free. There are in app purchases as expected but you can sample it ahead of its full release right now if you have a Philippines App Store account. Download it for free right here. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. If you’d like to start trying out soft launched games and only have a single iTunes account, check out our guide here. World of Demons from PlatinumGames and DeNA launches this summer world...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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