‘Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links’ Celebrates Its Second Anniversary with Various Free in Game Items and Exclusive Rewards - Videogames Blogs

‘Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links’ Celebrates Its Second Anniversary with Various Free in Game Items and Exclusive Rewards

It feels like only yesterday that Konami announced it was bringing Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links (Free) to iOS and Android. After a soft launch, it finally released worldwide on both PC and mobile platforms and has been quite successful. Today, Konami begins the second anniversary celebrations for it and also announced that the free to play release has seen over 80 million downloads worldwide. As with all free to play games, anniversary celebrations mean free in game items and rewards for players. Watch the anniversary trailer below:

Starting this weekend, players can earn a new card. The Obelisk the Tormentor Card can be yours by winning a duel against Gravekeeper Ishizu. There is also a login bonus where players can get 6 (at most) Dream or Standard UR or SR tickets. These can be exchanged for cards in game. Logging in also nets you free gems. There will be more gems for new players here. For the 2nd Anniversary, players can earn a uniqe Game Mat and Card Sleeve accessories that feature gold Yami Yugi and Yusei Fudo.
If you’re new to the game, check out the official website for the English version here. I know loads of people who only got into this through the mobile version which will always be surprising to old time players. Do you still play Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links and enjoy it"

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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