A Google Cloud Outage Has Knocked Loads of Games Offline Including ?Pokemon Go?, ?Fire Emblem Heroes? and More - Videogames Blogs

A Google Cloud Outage Has Knocked Loads of Games Offline Including ?Pokemon Go?, ?Fire Emblem Heroes? and More

You really never realize how many things utilize these massive cloud platforms until there is an outage. When Amazon Web Services had a massive five-hour outage last year it seemed like it took half the internet with it. This afternoon, Google is experiencing issues with Google Cloud, and most (if not all) games and apps that utilize their cloud services are down. This includes Pokemon Go [Free], Fire Emblem Heroes [Free] and even parts of Snapchat [Free].

It's hard to say how long Google Cloud will be having issues, but any sort of significant downtime like this from these massive cloud providers is very abnormal. If your favorite online games and other services aren't working how they usually do this afternoon, chances are everything will be fine as soon as Google fixes things on their end. In the meantime, if you want to follow along as the outage unfolds, search Twitter for "Google Cloud" and any other word like "outage", "status", etc. Thanks, @dohamelin!

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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