Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies, Ghost Trick, and Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice Have Been Pulled from the App Store, iOS 14 Support Confirmed for When They Return

Whenever I update my iPhone and iPad each year for major iOS and iPadOS releases, the first thing I do is check if Capcom and Square Enix games still work. This is because both publishers have brought some superb classics and new games to iOS over the years but support for new versions of iOS and iPadOS is hit or miss with them. Last night, Capcom pulled Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Spirit of Justice ($0.99), Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies ($0.99), and Ghost Trick (Free) from the App Store for “various reasons" the company announced. Kevin MacLeod (previously at Gamevice) says this has to do with the in app purchases to unlcok more content going through but the content not unlocking. I can’t verify this myself because I own all the content in all three games already and have them downloaded. Capcom also said that there is no timeframe for the return but they will support iOS 14 when they do come back. I have all three games installed on my iPad Pro on iOS 14.3 and they seem to run just like they did over a year ago. This isn’t the first time Capcom has pulled Ghost Trick either. It got a surprise update back in 2018 for iOS 11 and iPhone X device support.
Hopefully iOS 14 support from Capcom means the three games will fully support modern screen sizes when they return. As of now, if you already own the games, they are still available in your purchase history. Both Ace Attorney games that have been pulled on...
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