Ahead of Its Release in June, Bandai Namco Entertainment Just Revealed the Final Trailer for ‘Tales of Crestoria’
Bandai Namco Entertainment have been showcasing more of Tales of Crestoria over the last few months. Ever since it was showcased again at TGS, we’ve been learning more about the upcoming mobile exclusive Tales of game for iOS and Android. It has been in the works for a while and it was delayed out of 2019. A few days ago, Bandai Namco Entertainment announced a release window and an open beta for Tales of Crestoria on iOS and Android. The game will launch worldwide at the same time which is nice to see since the West has to usually wait months for localisations on mobile. Watch the final trailer for it below showcasing the new theme song:
Tales of Crestoria‘s main theme is “Howling for Honey" by Gesu No Kiwami Otome in Japan. The final trailer showcases the voice actors, some new skills, and gameplay. Tales of Crestoria launches in early June on iOS and Android worldwide. Pre-orders are not live as of this writing. It will launch with Japanese voice acting only. The schedule may change because of the coronavirus pandemic. This definitely feels like a bigger budget release compared to anything from Bandai Namco relating to Tales of on mobile from earlier. I hope this one lasts longer than a few years though. What are you expecting from Tales of Crestoria on mobile and did you play the recent Tales of Vesperia remaster on consoles and PC"
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