Apple Arcade: ‘Over the Alps’ Review – And Through the Woods, to Switzerland we Go!
Over the Alps () is a traditional choose-your-own-adventure type of game. The game is set in Switzerland circa 1939 and you will be playing as ?Agent Smith?, clearly a moniker, as you are a spy for the British government. Unsurprisingly, that means you?ll find yourself in a story of betrayal, heartbreak, misinformation, sleuthing, fighting, and chases, but also, refreshingly, one of care, romance, beauty, and exploration.
The entirety of the four acts you?ll play through will take you around four or so hours, one per act. Your options will be clearly marked to help determine the type of character you wish to have and you?ll acquire traits based on these options. You can choose to be honorable or cadish, dashing or aloof, and fearless or dramatic. While I found myself gravitating towards mostly honorable and dashing answers, I also ended up using quite a few answers from other categories. One good thing about this game is that you?re never locked away from one choice or another. You can choose based on these categories or simply on what you think the best answer might be for that situation. It?s a simple system and one I found myself enjoying.
The game is not all about those choices, though. You?ll also find yourself pretty early on in a rush away from the police. Thanks to a cunning rival, you?re on their radar and must find your way out of each area as quickly or safely as possible. You can make choices to steal bikes or cars, which is risky but will often get you to wher...
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