Apple Arcade: ?Where Cards Fall? Review – A Different Perspective on Life and Games
Do you remember when you were younger" Maybe a moment in your life that you’d like to live again. Or maybe something bad happened to you that you don’t like to remember, but at the same time, you know it taught you a valuable life lesson. That’s what you end up thinking after you play Where Cards Fall, a beautiful game about life.
Where Cards Fall is a Puzzle game developed by The Game Band and published by Snowman. You play as a young man as he goes back and remembers past moments from his life. To do that, you’ll need to solve puzzles with the help of cards.
Every time you beat a puzzle, you’ll see a little cutscene about an event in the young man’s life. You’ll see his life from his teenage years to his adulthood, with a lot of good, bad and uncomfortable moments, friendship, and even love. Just like any other person’s life. And just like every other person’s life, it’s boring. You won’t get a crazy story with cliffhangers or amazing plot twists. Instead, you’ll see someone struggling to make friends, get good grades, and get a job.
Some people might be disappointed by this game’s story, and I get it. I was disappointed too. I was expecting a murder or something to happen (I think I’ve been playing too much Jenny LeClue). That is until I saw it from a different perspective. The Game Band is trying to remind us what we’ve all been through.
The story is meant for you to look at ...
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