Atmospheric Mystery Adventure Game ‘Truberbrook’ from Headup Games Is Coming to iOS and Android This Summer - Videogames Blogs

Atmospheric Mystery Adventure Game ‘Truberbrook’ from Headup Games Is Coming to iOS and Android This Summer

Truberbrook from Headup Games launched on PC and consoles including Nintendo Switch a year ago. The atmospheric mystery adventure game with a great aesthetic sees players take on the role of Hans Tannhauser who is an American physicist who ends up in the village of Truberbrook. Truberbrook is another game I’ve had on my wishlist on Nintendo Switch for a few months. I’m probably going to just wait to play it on iOS now. Headup Games just announced the mobile version of Truberbrook to celebrate its one year anniversary on other platforms. Watch the launch trailer for Truberbrook below:
As of now, Headup Games has not confirmed a concrete release date for Truberbrook on iOS and Android. It will arrive this Summer. More details will be revealed in the future. Check out the Steam page for Truberbrook here for more information and screenshots. It is currently discounted on PC platforms to celebrate the one year anniversary. Have you played Truberbrook on Nintendo Switch or any other platform before"

Source: Touch Arcade

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