Awesome Dungeon Crawler 'The Scrungeon Depths' Gets Huge Version 2.0 "Schrism" Update and is On Sale for $1.99
One game that launched not too long ago but has flown criminally under the radar since then is The Scrungeon Depths [$1.99] from developer Chase Holton, aka When's Lunch" Games. It's a top-down dungeon crawler that released for iOS, Android, and Steam back in early November of last year. We have a tough job here at TouchArcade as the App Store sees hundreds of releases each week, and try as we might to bring all the great games to the surface there are many that inevitably slip through the cracks. I briefly played The Scrungeon Depths when it hit in November, as I try to do with all the new games each week, and thought it seemed just fine, but never dove back in beyond that initial play test. It wasn't until this year that I got around to really giving it a go, and it has impressed me so much that I wish I'd realized it sooner as I'd certainly have included it in my top games of the year. So it goes on mobile, but just today a huge version 2.0 update arrived for The Scrungeon Depths and I figure that's good enough reason to talk about this gem of game and hopefully bring it some much needed attention. First, the trailer for the new update.
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Huh. So that's a preeetty dark trailer for what is a much more upbeat game. I'll drop the original launch trailer below for a more rounded look at what The Scrungeon Depths has to offer, but as for this latest Schrism update it includes a bunch of new stuff. This includes new relics...
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