'Battleheart 2' Progress Continues, Seven of the Game's Heros Have Been Revealed So Far
Developer Mika Mobile dropped a big ol' bombshell on the world back in September of 2016 when they announced Battleheart 2, a long-desired sequel to one of the most beloved mobile games of all time. Of course we had the incredible Battleheart Legacy [$4.99] too, which came a little over three years after the original Battleheart [$2.99], but that game?while still outstanding?was quite a departure from the first game in many ways and served more as a spinoff. Battleheart 2 will be a true sequel to the original game with multi-character party combat using the ingenious line-drawing mechanics that Mika Mobile pioneered all those years ago, but while carrying over many of the interesting things about Battleheart Legacy into the fold too. Basically, it's shaping up to be the ultimate Battleheart experience, which I'm unfathomably excited for. Back in January Mika began teasing the characters that will be in Battleheart 2 with Hero Spotlights features on their blog, basically giving some background info and short video previews of each character in question. They've diligently been updating their blog each week with a new Hero Spotlight, revealing seven of the twelve characters as of last week. Here's the latest reveal, a character named Odette.
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Rather than regurgitate all the info Mika has already provided on their blog, I'll simply list the links to each of the Hero Spotlights that have been revealed so far for handy reference...
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BUTCHER - Announcement Trailer | PS4 |