Check Out the New 'Bullet Hell Monday' Update With Endless Mode - Videogames Blogs

Check Out the New 'Bullet Hell Monday' Update With Endless Mode

Masayuki Ito makes some fine bullet hell shmups on iOS, with .Decluster [$2.99 / Free], .Decluster Zero [$4.99 / Free], and the most recent Bullet Hell Monday [Free] all being fantastic entries in the genre. If you haven't played Bullet Hell Monday yet, or haven't picked it up in a while, the game got an update recently that brings some new content to the game. The big addition is the new endless mode. Once you complete chapter 2, you can now play the game for high scores without any ending. It's a great way to add some replay value to this one, and folks seem to be a big fan of this addition already.
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Along with that, there's several new ships after clearing chapter 3 to help mix up the game for you. And if you play challenge mode, you can acquire AP in it now. All great additions to a spectacular shmup, check the update out now. Also, if you like the soundtrack, the OST is available to listen to on YouTube.

Source: Touch Arcade

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