'ChronoBlade' Guide - How to Play Without Spending Real Money - Videogames Blogs

'ChronoBlade' Guide - How to Play Without Spending Real Money

Packing a punch in more ways than one, ChronoBlade [Free] is a fairly weighty side-scrolling brawler with RPG elements. Attacks actually feel substantial giving you that good old fashioned Streets of Rage style feeling as you beat up some bad guys. Due to its RPG elements, ChronoBlade also isn't shy when it comes to its F2P components which is where we come in. Want to avoid spending too much real money while still getting the most out of ChronoBlade" Stick with us, we've got you covered.


Fighting your way through waves of enemies is pretty straight forward. That's a good thing as you'll spend most of your time beating someone up here. You've got eyes and a brain, so you know what the virtual buttons do - movement is on the left hand side while the right hand side dictates types of attack along with special moves. For the most part, you can get away with button mashing. Your success in ChronoBlade is pretty much dependent on grinding and using good equipment, rather than skillful moves. However, there is one useful thing to note - avoid getting hit.
Duh, right" Except, it's not just down to saving your health bar. If you accrue a combo of hits against your enemy without getting punched back, you end up able to use a special 'Hyper Move' to inflict even more damage. Hyper Moves unlock after 10 hits in a row with their strength boosted after 30 hits and so forth. They make a massive difference when you're fighting something with a lot of health, but...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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