Classic Dungeon Crawler ‘QuestLord’ Brought Back from the Dead with First Update in Six Years - Videogames Blogs

Classic Dungeon Crawler ‘QuestLord’ Brought Back from the Dead with First Update in Six Years

One of my favorite mobile originals over the years has been Eric Kinkead’s first-person dungeon crawler QuestLord ($3.99). A 30+ year veteran of the games industry, Kinkead decided to strike out on his own and create the type of game that he grew up playing, but made for this magical new pocket computer called the iPhone that was proving to be a pretty big deal. Thus QuestLord was born and released to iOS in early 2013. We enjoyed it a lot in our review and took a deeper dive into it in an RPG Reload feature in 2015, and in general QuestLord stuck out for being an incredibly approachable entry in a genre that is notoriously difficult and complex. It’s a breezy experience, but not a dull one. It also exudes personality and plays wonderfully in portrait mode with one hand. It’s like the friendly little RPG mascot to the iPhone, and all of us were quite fond of QuestLord for many years.
Unfortunately, QuestLord would fall victim to the 32-bit Appocalypse when iOS 11 arrived in the fall of 2017. Being just one person with a full life outside of game development, and also being knee-deep in working on a sequel to QuestLord, there just wasn’t any time or resources for updating the original game to be 64-bit compliant. Our little pal QuestLord has been unplayable on any iOS 11 and later devices ever since. However! All good tales have a dramatic climax followed by a happy ending, and QuestLord is no different. Today Eric Kinkead has released a f...
Source: Touch Arcade

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