'Craft Warriors' Guide - How to Succeed Without Spending Real Money - Videogames Blogs

'Craft Warriors' Guide - How to Succeed Without Spending Real Money

Combine Minecraft [$6.99] and Clash of Clans [Free], and what do you get" Craft Warriors! [Free] Ok, so it's far more like Clash of Clans than it is Minecraft, other than its pixel art style visuals, but it does make a pleasant change from the cartoon style nature of Clash of Clans and its many clones.
A hit on the App Store, you don't want it to be a hit on your wallet. We're on hand to give you some handy advice and tips on how to avoid spending money on Craft Warriors, while still getting ahead.

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Keep moving forward
Like many base building games, you're limited in terms of how many structures and upgrades you can build at a time. Early on in the game, you're given an extra builder giving you two builders and one blacksmith. Keep them all as busy as possible. Blacksmiths are used to upgrade your troops which, obviously, you want to do if you want to stand a chance in battle further down the line. Keep them upgrading a unit at all times. You'll thank me later.
It's a similar case for builders. Particularly early on, you'll want to focus on rebuilding the damaged defensive walls around you. Each only takes about 10 seconds to finish so you need to check in regularly and keep on top of them.
You can't physically move your base so it's important that you keep the surrounding walls upgraded. Similarly, you can't add extra walls so the ones that are already there need to be tough.
Leave the longer upgrades for when ...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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