'Dawn of Titans' - Tips to Build and Win Without Spending Real Money - Videogames Blogs

'Dawn of Titans' - Tips to Build and Win Without Spending Real Money

Dawn of Titans [Free], the latest city-building/army-amassing multiplayer centric freemium title to hit the App Store, enters the fray with a inexhaustible list of competition to distinguish itself from. So far, it seems to be doing at least a decent job with a cool hero mechanic, amazing visuals, and a fairly impressive battle system for the genre. Of course, it?s completely filled to the brim with the usual freemium trimmings, which translates to a lot of timer mechanics along with premium currency to bypass them. However, with the right tips it?s always possible to streamline these games so you can get the most bang for your time.
Mind the Timers Early On
Most freemium multiplayer builders place a great emphasis on nursing timers from the get-go and Dawn of Titans is no exception. If anything I?d go so far as to say that the game places a much heavier emphasis on timer management early on than others. What that means is from the very beginning, players will see that there are a lot of things to build and upgrade, as well as plenty of troops to recruit (especially when taking into consideration the game?s battle system). Since Dawn of Titans only starts players off with one ?builder? (i.e. players can only build or upgrade one thing at a time) there?s definitely a lot of back and forth with launching the game to start a new short timer and then logging off because there?s really not much to do. The same goes for the game?s troop recruitment system as players start off wi...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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