'Death Squared (RORORORO)' Review - Are Two Heads Truly Better Than One"

Cooperative singleplayer puzzling is what Death Squared [$6.99] provides in its iOS release. It's not perfect, and has a few annoying factors and humor that doesn't really break a lot of boundaries, but it provides some fun puzzles to solve and a game design that works perfectly for either playing solo or with a friend on the same device. I've played Death Squared in some early builds in the past couple of years, so I was curious to see how it would come to iOS, since what I played was very much driven by cooperation with another player. However, the final release makes the story mode something that a single player can play by themselves. The puzzles don't require a lot of simultaneous movement, they just requre that players be able to mentally deal with two different characters.
Because the game is just controlled with two joysticks, another player can just take over on the other side of the screen and start playing. This means that some puzzles might be easier with another player to help take care of tasks that are otherwise tricky for one person to coordinate with themselves. But then the issue comes in where if one person has a plan, they have to communicate it effectively to their partner just how to do it. Remember Portal 2's multiplayer" It's kind of like that, just with fewer portals. And this time, you're the companion cube.
Death Squared's combo of solo and multiplayer is an interesting approach to releasing the game on mobile, because it effectively takes t...
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