'Demon Mark: A Russian Saga' Review - Baba Yaga Saga - Videogames Blogs

'Demon Mark: A Russian Saga' Review - Baba Yaga Saga

As a premise for a ChoiceScript game, the one Demon Mark [$5.99] uses is a promising one. Set in a world of Slavic mythology, the story sees your young sibling kidnapped by a dangerous demon. Named the Uhin, she brands your characters with a curse called the Demon Mark and challenges you to come and rescue your family member. With a sword at your side and provisions in your bag, you set out on a road trip-style adventure through a veritable who's who of Slavic folk tales. Although we've started to see more games taking advantage of this rich source of lore, it remains a relatively untapped setting that offers high potential. Demon Mark is at its best when it drops you in the thick of these fables, and the author's passion and knowledge certainly shines through. Unfortunately, it ends up dropping the ball on some of the more fundamental elements of a choice-based game. As usual, the beginning of the story is about setting up who you are and some of your basic circumstances. No matter what, you are the eldest child of farmers of some sort, spending your youth happily playing with your sibling and helping out with chores in your small village. Your mother is always a former soldier, while your father is always something of a homebody. Your name, your gender, and which group of people you hail from are selected by you, and your basic statistics depend on how you handle a few early choices. Your sibling is always kidnapped, and you must go after them. From there, you have a few ...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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