'Dog Sled Saga' Review ? Perfectly Pleasant Pupper Racing - Videogames Blogs

'Dog Sled Saga' Review ? Perfectly Pleasant Pupper Racing

Pleasant is the operative word to describe Dan Fitzgerald and Lisa Bromiel's Dog Sled Saga [$3.99], a charming game about dog sled racing that is more of a simulator than a racer. It came out last fall, but I couldn?t let us get through the winter without giving it a proper look over. Especially since the current build is so much more polished and stable than launch. It?s definitely the strongest game the developers have released thus far and it only makes me look forward to what they comes out with next. So strap your boots on and clean out the kennel. It?s time to crack the whip!

Or is it" Actually, this world is much nicer to its ?big ole puppers? and ?lil? doggos.? Speed and energy are conferred via doggy treats that you have to throw accurately enough for the dogs to catch, because they?re very well trained and won?t stop for food. You have a limited number of these Scooby Snacks, but the courses are all littered with treat supply drops hanging on posts for you to grab as you fly by. I know what you?re thinking. This all seems a little unrealistic for a supposed ?simulator.? Now, my expertise in dog sled racing come from the movies Snow Dogs and Eight Below. Also, I barely remember anything about either film. Which is to say that I have zero expertise. So I?ll allow it! It?s all much lovelier this way and will probably help appease the PETA minded people. At least a little. As a young newcomer to the dog sled scene you?ll learn a lot as you race, manage funds, a...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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