Double Freebie Alert: Twin-Stick Shooter ‘Atomine’ and Metroidvania Adventure ‘Forma.8 GO’ Both Go Free
We don’t do a whole lot of Freebie Alerts around these parts anymore, because frankly most mobile games nowadays are already free, and many of the paid ones do freebie promotions so frequently that they’re hardly special. But today is different as two extremely excellent games that, as far as I can tell, have never been free before have suddenly dropped down to zero dollars, and with coronavirus fears keeping more and more people confined to the safety of their homes with each passing day, it’s pretty likely that we could all use a cool game or two to pass the time while stuck on the couch. In fact the coronavirus is the specific reason for these games going free today, as explained by developer Mixed Bag and developer Broken Arms Games on Twitter. First up we have the extremely stylish metroidvania-style adventure Forma.8 GO from Mixed Bag. Have a looksie at the trailer.
Forma.8 is an interesting beast because originally it was announced as a mobile title WAY back at E3 in 2012, and although we’d get periodic updates on its progress it just sort of seemed like one of those games that would never see the light of day. Then in 2014 it was announced for more platforms beyond just mobile, and went on to release on those platforms while the mobile version still seemed to be stuck in the mud. It wouldn’t be until the summer of 2017 that the mobile version of the game, officially titled Forma.8 GO, would finally arrive on the App Store. Thankf...
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