'Dustoff Heli Rescue 2' Looking for Beta Testers - Videogames Blogs

'Dustoff Heli Rescue 2' Looking for Beta Testers

The original Dustoff Heli Rescue [$0.99] was very well received by players in our forums, and the upcoming Dustoff Heli Rescue 2 looks to improve on all aspects of the original. Dustoff Heli Rescue was all about taking your rescue helicopter to the air and performing missions like search and rescue, finding stolen cargo, all the while being under fire and - occasionally - having to fire back. The sequel plans on sticking with the blocky art style (although it looks improved) and will offer more helicopters, more weapons, and more missions. You'll have to destroy enemy forces, evacuate your troops, destroy convoys, transport vehicles, build bridges, and so on.
I'm not crazy about all the blowing up stuff part of the game personally because I like the idea of being an unarmed rescue helicopter; the challenge is more original in that way. Still, I know most of you like blowing stuff up, so if you want to check out the game, head to our forum page and apply for the beta.

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

GRAVEL - Launch trailer
