Dystopian Spying Simulator 'Beholder' Is on Sale for $1.99, Its Lowest Price Yet - Videogames Blogs

Dystopian Spying Simulator 'Beholder' Is on Sale for $1.99, Its Lowest Price Yet

Video games as a medium have long been seen as a form of escapism. Whether you choose to explore the beautiful, utopian open world of Hyrule, or if you don the jet-pack and hyper-realistic weaponry of the latest Call of Duty title, jumping into the latest release serves as a way of blocking out the hardships and monotonous tedium of everyday life. However, the passage of time can make many titles become a little too real in their sprawling dystopian narratives, and upon its release back in May, Beholder [$1.99] joined the likes of Papers, Please [$7.99 (HD)] in providing a terrifying yet utterly immersive look into a totalitarian future of absolute surveillance amidst some difficult moral dilemmas. We adored Beholder in our review, and today the game has gone on sale for a mere $1.99, which is its lowest price since the title's release.
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While Beholder is immediately easy to grasp and understand, it's the moral choices that act as a particular challenge within the game. The way the developers are able to flesh out each individual story and provide significant depth in the conflicts encountered makes sure Beholder is as entertaining as its core idea is bleak, and the numerous quests and multiple endings add a lot of replay value to the experience. All this is layered behind a beautiful art style reminiscent of Limbo, which does bring Beholder's concept to life as you spy on your tenants. Beholder received critical acclaim up...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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