Eli’s 2018 in Review: Wiener Dogs, Mobile Esports, and Pirates- OH MY. - Videogames Blogs

Eli’s 2018 in Review: Wiener Dogs, Mobile Esports, and Pirates- OH MY.

2018 was one heck of a year for me, both personally and professionally. Most of my time outside of TouchArcade has gone to wrangling a new dog that we rescued this year which has been an interesting experience to say the least. I’ve always been more of a cat person, and dogs I’ve had in my life we always got as puppies, so you I’ve never needed to unravel the mysteries of behavioral patterns and problems that likely came from growing up in what we can only assume was an abusive household. It’s been surprising how rewarding earning a scared dog’s trust is turning out to be. Also, in the photo, Bruno is on the left, and our slightly older dog, Steve, is on the right. They’re both smooth haired red dachshunds that are related to each other. Steve is Bruno’s uncle, which is pretty neat. I officially had a mid-life crisis, buying a 2018 Miata when Mazda was practically giving them away ahead of the 2019 mid-model refresh. It’s weird driving a car that actually is fun to drive, versus my positively ancient Prius which I kept as a daily driver. Amusingly enough, I bought this car quite literally days before Apple killed the App Store affiliate program, which is yet another decision I made which turned out to be hilariously poorly timed through no fault of my own. At least I got really, really good promotional financing terms" As mentioned in our best games of 2018 post, things on the overall health of TouchArcade front really co...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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