Excellent Neo Noir Sniper Game 'Lonewolf' Finally Receives New Chapter in Latest Update - Videogames Blogs

Excellent Neo Noir Sniper Game 'Lonewolf' Finally Receives New Chapter in Latest Update

In January of last year FDG Games and SHD Games released an unassuming little sniper game called Lonewolf [Free] to the App Store. While the sniper genre had been absolutely oversaturated on mobile, Lonewolf managed to stand out from the pack with its unique noir-inspired visuals and an emphasis on telling an interesting story, which was rare for that type of game. We liked Lonewolf a lot in our review and awarded it our Game of the Week back then, and it was pretty universally loved by all who played it. The only problem was that the game ended on a bit of a cliffhanger and players were anxious to find out what happens next in a promised upcoming new chapter? except that chapter never came.
Well in the world of mobile games you never say never and out of practically nowhere Lonewolf was updated this week with that promised new chapter as well as some other goodies. The new chapter deals with the past of titular sniper Lonewolf and it features "New breathtaking and intense missions" as well as new rifles and scopes. Also you can now go back and replay any previous mission using either rifles or handguns, just to mix things up. Given that Lonewolf is largely the work of just one man it's understandable that an update can take as long as this one has. Honestly I'm just happy it came at all.
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Unfortunately I deleted Lonewolf some time ago when it seemed apparent the update would never come, so now that it HAS I'm st...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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