'Faily Brakes' Goes Full '80s in Huge New Update Celebrating Game's 2nd Birthday - Videogames Blogs

'Faily Brakes' Goes Full '80s in Huge New Update Celebrating Game's 2nd Birthday

Our old friend Phil Faily is getting ready to enter the terrible twos as this week marks the second anniversary of Spunge Games releasing their hilarious endless driver/crash simulator Faily Brakes [Free] into the App Store. To mark this momentous occasion Spunge has released a huge update to the game adding all sorts of new goodies. The biggest of which is a brand new theme and environment to careen through called Retro Future. Here, you'll be surrounded by neon-soaked hazards and a catchy synth soundtrack, and there's several new 80s-styled vehicles to drive too. The Retro Future environment also features new dynamic elements like moving hazards and underground tunnels you can drive through. The new environment as well as one of the new vehicles come included for free in the update, with two additional vehicles and two character costumes available in a $1.99 IAP.
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This update also includes new "secret" limited time cars which can be found in the new level in the game, and a completely revamped menu system which allows you to outfit your characters, choose vehicles, and choose environments all from the same screen. Faily Brakes has always been among my favorite endless high score chasers, and it's only gotten better over the course of two years thanks to numerous content updates like today's. It's one of those games that's equally fun to do well in or totally fail and enjoy watching yourself crash like an idiot....
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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