Featuring is No Longer a Kingmaker – A Look Behind The Featuring Process

A new initiative we’re kicking off here at TouchArcade is actively fielding pitches from developers, and other people working in the mobile game industry that have interesting stories to tell or tips to share that are relevant to the TouchArcade audience. To kick this off, I reached out to Kevin Flynn who is one of the many people working behind the curtain in the world of mobile gaming that works with developers to both make games better and more successful. We’ve actually known each other forever, far before either of us got involved in mobile. (I believe we first met Kevin at the Britain Crossroads in Ultima Online back in the late 90’s.) Anyway, Kevin has a lot of insight on how the featuring process works, which I think could be pretty valuable to a lot of developers who look at featuring as a magical thing that just happens if you’re lucky… Which isn’t really the case at all.
Featuring is No Longer a Kingmaker – A Look Behind The Featuring Process
By Kevin Flynn
In March of 2018 I was fortunate enough to be invited to speak at the Game Developer?s Conference to discuss working with the App Stores and the processes that go into launching a mobile game. (View slides here.)While audience members said they appreciated a rare glance behind the scenes of how the platforms work, many people wanted more concrete numbers on how a feature will perform. Here?s the problem: in my career in mobile gaming I?ve worked on over 100 releases t...
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