'Fire Emblem Heroes' Celebrates its Anniversary with a New Mode, New Heroes, and More - Videogames Blogs

'Fire Emblem Heroes' Celebrates its Anniversary with a New Mode, New Heroes, and More

It's already been a year since Fire Emblem Heroes [Free], the free-to-play spin-off of Nintendo's long-running tactical RPG franchise, released on iOS and Android. The game has been received quite well by many players and has turned out to be Nintendo's biggest success so far in the challenging mobile market. Part of that must surely be credited to the hard work of the development team, who have listened to player feedback and made frequent updates based on it. Indeed, it's impressive just how much the game has changed in one year. To celebrate the occasion, Nintendo put out a new video today outlining some upcoming additions to the game.

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In case you can't or don't want to watch, I'll hit some of the highlights. First up, free orbs. Plenty of them, too. On February 1st, all players will receive 50 orbs free and clear just for logging in. In addition, there will be 25 special daily maps celebrating the anniversary that will be good for another couple of orbs each for clearing them on Normal and Hard difficulty. That's 100 orbs in total without a whole lot of work. You can also look forward to daily Grand Hero Battles and special training maps as well. There is also a Grand Hero Fest event coming up with increased percentages on some of the game's strongest heroes. The biggest news, in my opinion, is the addition of a new mode. It's called Tap Battle: Illusory Dungeon and it's... a rhythm game" Yeah, I don't know either...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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