Following Its Launch on Nintendo Switch in February, ‘BE-A Walker’ is Arriving on iOS, Android, and Steam on May 7th - Videogames Blogs

Following Its Launch on Nintendo Switch in February, ‘BE-A Walker’ is Arriving on iOS, Android, and Steam on May 7th

I have felt a range of emotions since first learning about an upcoming game from developer Tequilabyte Studio called BE-A Walker. My first thought was “GIANT MECHS I LOVE IT!" and then my second thought was “OMG not only are you blasting away those puny humans with your awesome weapons, but you are straight up STEPPING ON THEM and turning them into piles of goo. Gross, but? awesome!" Those initial thoughts hold true. Yes you are a bad ass giant mech, and being someone who grew up on a steady diet of gory video games, using said mech to stomp out people like bugs is something I can get behind. Here’s the trailer I’m talking about in all its glory.

But then you learn of the premise behind BE-A Walker and things get a little more somber. The game takes place during a time when Earth is overpopulated and dying because of it, so humanity sets out to find another hospitable planet to move to. They come across a planet called Eldorado which is entirely Earth-like except for the atmosphere being unbreathable to humans. That’s a problem that can be overcome with science and technology though, so Eldorado becomes the target for a new home for Earth’s inhabitants. There’s another big problem though, and that’s that the native population of Eldorado isn’t going to just let Earthlings waltz in and take over, and they also just so happen to be an extremely combat-capable war-like race of people. So really the premise...
Source: Touch Arcade

Let it Die - Let it Talk #5 | PS4
