From the Forums: The Mobile Gaming Community Shares Its Fondest App Store Memories - Videogames Blogs

From the Forums: The Mobile Gaming Community Shares Its Fondest App Store Memories

Last week, I wrote an feature-cum-impassioned rant about how I perceived that the history of the App Store was slowly dying, owing to how certain titles were slowly being eradicated by iterative iOS firmware upgrades, which caused a lot of older titles that many hold dear to be cast into the depths of App Store oblivion. While I sadly argued that a lot of this is out of our control (at least in the immediate future), I called upon the earnest and enthusiastic mobile gaming community to share their fondest iPhone gaming memories. This was for two reasons: to emphasise that it was imperative to make the most of many of the fascinating, unique and inspiring experiences that can only be found on mobile devices before they fade into the ether, but also to reinforce the history of many of the smaller releases that may be exclusively shared with only a few individuals, and to reminisce in the past of iOS gaming as a legitimate platform that has its own complete and comprehensive history that is equivalent to other consoles that many look back on with nostalgic glee. The response I received was incredible - not only was the breadth and depth of many niche games that our forum remembers detailed truly stunning, but such exhaustive accounts evoked many powerful memories of titles I played many years ago that were lost in the App Store noise. If our community is anything to go by, the history of mobile gaming may be inevitably compromised, but the future is relentlessly bright.
Source: Touch Arcade

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