Fukua Arrives as the Latest New Playable Character in ‘Skullgirls’ on Mobile - Videogames Blogs

Fukua Arrives as the Latest New Playable Character in ‘Skullgirls’ on Mobile

Skullgirls mobile fans everywhere are excited about the prospect of a brand new playable character to the game, which developer Hidden Variable announced back in February, but there’s just one order of business to take care of first before that: Adding Fukua to the game. You see, every character that has been in Skullgirls on mobile came from the original console and PC versions of the game, meaning they were already created and just needed to be brought into and adapted for the mobile version. But there is a finite number of those preexisting characters, and Hidden Variable had hit that limit? almost. The sole remaining character not yet in the mobile version was Fukua, who originally began life as an April Fool’s joke before fans demanded she be included in the game for real. Earlier this month we announced Fukua’s imminent arrival in Skullgirls on mobile and showed off how she would play with the following video.
Well! Today is the day as the version 4.2 update has officially gone live for Skullgirls on mobile bringing with it the arrival of our dear Fukua. And while this new playable character is the main attraction, anyone who is familiar with Hidden Variable knows that they cram all sorts of other cool stuff into all of their major updates, and this is no exception. As always they provide an incredibly thorough breakdown in the official update thread on their forums, but the main additions are new extremely rare Shiny versions of characters wh...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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