'Hearthstone' Kobolds & Catacombs Week 2 Reveal Schedule Released - TouchArcade to Reveal Cards With Value Town
Kobolds & Catacombs, the upcoming Hearthstone [Free] expansion, is almost upon us, so?as was to be expected?more and more cards are being revealed. And now we have the schedule for Week 2 of card reveals, and there are a ton of them coming. There are numerous reveals per day (not all of them in English), and you can find links to all of them here. TouchArcade will reveal a few cards as well on Monday in collaboration with Value Town, so make sure you don't miss that. Since the reveals are spread across the world, you can probably find the ones that work for your schedule, unless you either don't like spoilers or don?t care to be among the first to see a new card.
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Yesterday we also got a long video by Mission Designer Dave Kosak, who talked in more detail about Dungeon Runs. Kosak talks more about the development of the mode and how the mode evolved. He goes into various Treasure cards and the way some versions broke the game. The video also talks about specific bosses that are extra crazy, shows off some great art, and gives you a sense of how much fun Dungeon Runs will be. How do you feel about the expansion so far" Excited" And make sure you don't miss our reveal on Monday at 10 AM PST.
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