iOS Gaming Site iFanzine Shuts Down - Videogames Blogs

iOS Gaming Site iFanzine Shuts Down

Barely a week after the iOS game review site Slide to Play announced that they were shutting down, iFanzine is also calling it quits. iFanzine was one of many fabulous iOS game sites that exploded in popularity along with the growth of the iPhone and the App Store. Facing very similar problems to TouchArcade, founder and editor in chief Ruan Shiels writes in his heartfelt goodbye to the site:
This may come as a surprise, but the writing?s been on the wall for iFanzine for some time now. Over the past few years, like a number of other long-running iOS gaming sites, iFanzine fell into increasing financial difficulty due to dwindling (read: near non-existent) ad sales and external factors like Apple abruptly killing its App Store affiliate program. I tried everything I could think of to generate revenue and keep the site afloat during 2017 and 2018, but ultimately none of it was enough and here we are. It’s pretty wild how many of us (TouchArcade included) were just holding on by a thread with the App Store affiliate program being the last remaining thing keeping them afloat. Apple killed the program back in August of last year. Previously, if you bought a game through a link on TouchArcade or any other similar site, that content creator got a few pennies on the dollar as a kickback from Apple. Not anymore.
If we didn’t have our similarly dwindling Patreon, we’d likely be in a very similar situation. It really blows my mind how there used to be such a thrivin...
Source: Touch Arcade

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