Jared’s 2018 in Review: Some Fun Trips, a Lot of Hard Work, and of Course TONS of Fantastic Mobile Games - Videogames Blogs

Jared’s 2018 in Review: Some Fun Trips, a Lot of Hard Work, and of Course TONS of Fantastic Mobile Games

As 2018 comes to a close, we can once again look back and marvel at a wild year of mobile gaming. We say this every year but it really is mind blowing how many great games come out on mobile ever year. It’s a shame that so many people can’t look past the many bad games that also get released, as once again this year we compiled a list of what we thought were the best 100 mobile games of 2018 and the variety of titles included on that list has a little something for everyone, even the most staunch anti-mobile gamer. The incredible thing is that that list starts out being three or four times the size, and it’s actually tough to trim it down to “just" 100 games. My wish for 2019 would be that more people realize that mobile gaming doesn’t have to be a replacement to any other gaming platform, and is simply just another avenue for enjoying great gaming experiences. Having tons of fun games to play on my iPhone hasn’t prevented me from also enjoying the heck out of my Switch and Xbox One this year, and when more games are available on all platforms it’s a win for everybody. Maybe wishing for the “mobile sucks" stigma to go away is just asking too much, but year after year of putting together these “Best Of" lists has me questioning how anybody could dismiss the entire platform for gaming. But I digress. 2018 was a fantastic year of mobile games for me, as well as a year full of several fun adventures that wer...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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