Max Scott-Slade, the Co-Founder of Johnny Two Shoes, Explains the Situation Behind Prevail's Mysterious Release - Videogames Blogs

Max Scott-Slade, the Co-Founder of Johnny Two Shoes, Explains the Situation Behind Prevail's Mysterious Release

Last week, we brought you the news that the much anticipated exploration epic Prevail by Johnny Two Shoes had finally launched on the App Store, after five years of development and delays. However, its sudden Saturday release and four word App Store description, coupled with reports from our forums that there were many glitches and bugs present within the game, led to extensive speculation amongst our community as to whether this version of Prevail was released by mistake, or was even a genuine release at all. To try and get to the bottom of the issue, I arranged to speak to Max Scott-Slade, the co-founder of Glitchers (of Sea Hero Quest [Free] fame) who previously co-founded Johnny Two shoes with his brother Josh, to hopefully find out the definitive truth regarding the situation surrounding Prevail.
In my interview with him, Max elaborated more on what was a particularly complex and sensitive situation regarding the Prevail release. The game had, as many expected, released early in an unfinished state, but it was neither accidental, nor a quick cash grab. Max explained that he no longer had an active role in Johnny Two Shoes and was focusing on Cone Wars, an upcoming 'ice cream turf wars' game for PC from the new Glitchers development studio. Instead, for the past three years, Prevail had been the solo project of his brother Josh Scott-Slade, who had previously founded Johnny Two Shoes with Max and was integral in helping iOS classic Plunderland [$1.99] release back in 2...
Source: Touch Arcade

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