'Milk War', a 'Worms'-like Real-time MP Game, Looking for Testers in Our Forums - Videogames Blogs

'Milk War', a 'Worms'-like Real-time MP Game, Looking for Testers in Our Forums

If you like the hilarious classic game Worms, you're probably going to like the upcoming Milk War, a real-time multiplayer game that's all about blasting your opponent to smithereens. As you can see from the trailer below, the battles take place in silly levels filled with all kinds of craziness - both in the foreground and background. If you haven't played games like Worms, you lead a team of soldiers against your opponent's team and try to take each other out using all kinds of silly weapons. Hilarity, of course, usually ensues.
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You discover weapons in chests filled with cards, and then you level those weapons up. I do hope the monetization decisions don't mess this one up because I can easily see Milk War slide into a pay-to-win situation. The game is looking for iOS and Android beta testers in our forums, so go join if Milk War is your kind of war.

Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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