Mobile Version of Gravity-Based Puzzle Platformer 'Mallow Drops' Coming April 13th - Videogames Blogs

Mobile Version of Gravity-Based Puzzle Platformer 'Mallow Drops' Coming April 13th

We got our first look at gravity-based puzzle platformer Mallow Drops during PAX Australia last November right around the same time the game launched on Steam. At the time we didn't even know the game was slated for mobile, but upon seeing it being demoed on PC at developer Gritfish's PAX booth Eli immediately thought to himself "That should be on mobile!" Thankfully Gritfish had already been thinking the same thing, and was well under way with a mobile port and they were able to show us that mobile version of Mallow Drops in action. This week they've now announced the official release date for Mallow Drops on mobile and it'll be coming April 13th. Check out the Steam trailer for Mallow Drops followed by our demo of the mobile version from PAX.
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While it's obvious that the motion-sensing ability of iOS devices makes Mallow Drops an obvious fit for mobile, not everyone is into the whole tilting thing, you know" You'll be happy to know then that the mobile version will feature an option for virtual buttons so you can flip the environment to your heart's content while remaining relatively sane-looking on public transport. In my experience with an early version of Mallow Drops, though, actually rotating your device around has helped me wrap my brain around some of the game's puzzles. I really feel that it's the most intuitive way to play, but options are always ...
Source: Touch Arcade

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