'Mobius Final Fantasy' Freemium Follow-up - Videogames Blogs

'Mobius Final Fantasy' Freemium Follow-up

Ed. Note: We?re trying a new feature for the plethora of freemium titles that hit the iOS market. Rather than do an immediate review of a freemium game after a few days of gameplay, when the game is trying its hardest to entice new players, we?ll be chronicling our experiences across longer periods of time, starting at a week or longer. Obviously, each reviewer has their own preferences for how they play freemium games so pay attention to their play styles when taking into consideration their conclusions.

Like many Final Fantasy fans, I was pretty excited when Mobius Final Fantasy [Free] finally exited its very lengthy soft launch status and hit the US App Store. Taking into consideration the words of wisdom when Shaun posted his preview almost a year ago, I certainly knew to keep in mind the freemium considerations when playing. Gameplay Mechanics
Our earlier preview goes into the battle system at length, but just as a refresher, Mobius battles a lot like the other Final Fantasy freemium games that have been previously released. Mobius uses a turn-based battle but it?s tailored towards a one-man party instead of the usual multi-character affair. Thus, your hero gets several actions per round before the enemy acts. While normal attacks are your bread and butter, the game gets complicated through it?s use of spells and abilities.
Besides doing a heck of a lot more damage than normal attacks, spells and abilities also go a long way towards breaking an enemy?s defense (which...
Source: Touch Arcade
URL: http://toucharcade.com

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